Engineering novel tunable optical high-Q nanoparticle array filters for a wide range of wavelengths
The interaction of non-monochromatic radiation with arrays comprising plasmonic and dielectric nanoparticles has been studied using the finite-difference time-domain electrodynamics method. It is shown that LiNbO3, TiO2, GaAs, Si, and Ge all-dielectric nanoparticle arrays can provide a complete selective reflection of an incident plane wave within a narrow spectral line of collective lattice resonance with a Q-factor of 10(3) or larger at various spectral ranges, while plasmonic refractory TiN and chemically stable Au nanoparticle arrays provide high-Q resonances with moderate reflectivity. Arrays with fixed dimensional parameters make it possible to fine-tune the position of a selected resonant spectral line by tilting the array relative to the direction of the incident radiation. These effects provide grounds for engineering novel selective tunable optical high-Q filters in a wide range of wavelengths, from visible to middle-IR. (C) 2020 Optical Society of America under the terms of the OSA Open Access Publishing Agreement