Effect of nanoparticles in growth of test - bacteria

Stolyar, S., V; Chekanova, L. A.; Yaroslavtsev, R. N.; Ladygina, V. P.; Tirranen, L. S. International Scientific Conference On Applied Physics, Information Technologies And Engineering (Apitech-2019). Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Volume 1399, Issue 2 Citation SV Stolyar et al 2019 J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 1399 022029

Confident effect of five magnetic composite nanoparticles (FeP@Ag, FeP@Pd, CoP, NiP, Fe2O3@AГ) on growth of test bacteria colonies (Acinetobacter baumannii, Еscherichia coli, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Staphylococcus aureus) in five replicates each is considered. Reliable inhibitors of colonies of all five test bacteria were nanoparticles FeP@Ag. CoP nanoparticles are reliable inhibitors of growth of 4 test bacteria (except for test bacteria Escherichia сoli). NiP nanoparticles are reliable inhibitors of growth of 2 test bacteria: Escherichia сoli and Klebsiella pneumoniae. Bacteria Escherichia сoli were most sensitive to the effect of magnetic nanoparticles; and bacteria Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Staphylococcus aureus were most resistant to the effect of magnetic nanoparticles. The prospects of the method are in the possibility of multiple reuse of the magnetic particles with antimicrobial properties for bacterial decontamination of the studied sources of water and removal of magnetic nanoparticles from the treated liquids by electromagnet. The method can find use in water treatment facilities for household, Industrial and medical wastes.
