Driven dissipative Bose-Hubbard chains

Семинар лаборатории теории нелинейных процессов
  • What семинары 2023 лаборатория ТНП
  • When 20-09-2023 from 15:00 to 16:00 (Asia/Krasnoyarsk / UTC700)
  • Where Конференц-зал главного корпуса ИФ СО РАН
  • Contact Name Докладчик: д.ф.м.н. Коловский А.Р.
  • Attendees Руководитель семинара: д.ф.м.н. Садреев А.Ф.
  • Add event to calendar iCal

Доклад на предстоящей конференции, русскоязычная версия.

We theoretically analyse the transport of Bose particles in the tight-binding chain,
where the particles are injected into the first site of the chain by using an external
driving and drained from the last site. Ongoing laboratory experiments with superconducting circuits and photonics crystals are briefly discussed.
