Spontaneous rotation of magnets levitating above high-Tc superconductor

Gokhfeld, D. M.; Shalomov, S. Yu.; Sultimov, D. B.; Petrov, M. I.// arXiv.org, e-Print Archive, Condensed Matter//


The levitation of a cylindrical permanent magnet over a high-temperature superconductor cooled by liquid nitrogen can be accompanied by spontaneous oscillations and rotation. The reason for spontaneous rotation of the magnet is magnetization inhomogeneity induced by the temperature gradient. An experiment was carried out on the levitation of Nd-Fe-B magnets over a composite high-temperature superconductor. The experimental results confirm that the rotation frequency depends on the difference in the magnetization values in the upper and lower halves of the magnet. Methods for controlling the rotation frequency of a levitating magnet are proposed.
