Liquid Crystals in Reconfigurable Reflectarray Antennas for Sub-Millimeter Waves

Pérez-Quintana, D., Aguirre, E., Olariaga, E., (...), Marcotegui, J.A., Beruete, M.// 2024 IEEE INC-USNC-URSI Radio Science Meeting (Joint with AP-S Symposium), INC-USNC-URSI


Accelerated technological progress responds to the dynamic evolution of wireless communication systems, fueled by the advent of 5G, the emergence of 6G, and the pervasive integration of the IoT paradigm. Smart antennas play a pivotal role in this advancement, facilitating electronic beam steering to meet escalating demands for enhanced bandwidth and elevated operating frequencies. The spotlight shifts to reconfigurable reflectarray antennas, gaining prominence over conventional phased arrays. Notably, liquid crystals (LCs) emerge as a promising avenue for creating electronically reconfigurable/switchable reflectarrays, specifically tailored for short millimeter and terahertz waves. LCs, as a unique aggregate state combining solid and liquid features, address current technology limitations. Their uniaxial nature and the ability to manipulate molecule orientation enable effective fine-tuning of dielectric permittivity without drawbacks present in existing technologies.
