IR-range photoinduced diode effect in the manganese-substituted bismuth ferrite films

Aplesnin, S. S.; Kretinin, V. V.; Masyugin, A. N.; Romanova, O. B.; Sitnikov, M. N.; Begisheva, O. B.; Galyas, A., I; Demidenko, O. F.; Yanushkevich, K., I Source: SEMICONDUCTOR SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 34 (9):10.1088/1361-6641/ab3160 SEP 2019

The photoinduced diode effect has been found in BiMn X Fe1−X O3 (0 < Х < 0.15) films in the near-infrared and violet spectral ranges in a wide temperature interval. The dependences of the diode effect on temperature, wavelength, and illumination power have been established. The mechanism of the ferroelectric diode has been determined using its IV characteristics at different illumination powers, optical spectra, far-infrared absorption spectra, and electric polarization hysteresis. The interplay between the photodiode effect and conductivity mechanism has been elucidated. The model of strong Coulomb potential fluctuations and quantum well asymmetry caused by the electric polarization in the film and difference between the times of carrier thermalization and recombination of electrons and holes is proposed.
