Phase diagram of the ground state of a classical anisotropic frustrated ferromagnet
Martynov, S. N.; Tugarinov, V. I. JETP LETTERS, 106 (1):30-34; Doi: 10.1134/S0021364017130124 JUL 2017
The phase diagram of the ground state is obtained for the one-dimensional easy-axis model of classical spins coupled by ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic exchanges between nearest and next-nearest neighbors, respectively. The parameters of the incommensurate magnetic structure with a variable step (soliton lattice) are calculated in the mean field approximation from the condition of the collinearity of spins to the effective exchange fields in the continuous approximation. The ground state of the soliton lattice and interfaces between soliton and collinear (ferromagnetic and “up–up–down–down”) phases are determined by the numerical minimization of the average energy over the initial angular velocity of spins.