Magnetic capacitance of the Gd (x) Bi1-x FeO3 thin films
Aplesnin, S. S.; Kretinin, V. V.; Panasevich, A. M.; Yanushkevich, K. I. PHYSICS OF THE SOLID STATE, 59 (4):667-673; Doi: 10.1134/S1063783417040047 APR 2017
The capacitance, inductance, and dissipation factor of the GdxBi1–xFeO3 films were measured in the temperature range of 100 K < T < 800 K in magnetic fields of up to 8 kOe at frequencies of 0.1–100 kHz. The magnetic susceptibility maxima in the low-temperature region and dependences of the relaxation time and inductance on prehistory of the films cooled in zero and nonzero magnetic fields are established. The giant increase in magnetic capacitance in the external bias electric field is found. The results obtained are explained by the domain structure transformation in external electric and magnetic fields.