VII Euro-Asian Symposium "Trends in Magnetism" (EASTMAG-2019)
08-13 September, 2019. Ekaterinburg, Russia
Dear Colleague!
We are pleased to announce the 7-th event in the EASTMAG symposium series.
The VII Euro-Asian Symposium "Trends in Magnetism" (EASTMAG-2019) will be held in Ekaterinburg, Russia, SEPTEMBER 08-13, 2019.
The scientific program of the VII Euro-Asian Symposium "Trends in Magnetism" includes:
- Spintronics and magnetic nanostructures
- Spin dynamics and magnetic resonances
- Low dimensional magnetism
- Domain walls, vortices and skyrmions
- Magnetotransport, magnetooptics and magnetophotonics
- Magnetoelastic, magnetocaloric and shape memory effects
- Frustrated and disordered magnetism
- Magnetism of strongly correlated electron systems
- Magnetism and superconductivity
- Soft and hard magnetic materials
- Magnetic semiconductors, multiferroics, topological insulators
- Magnetic soft matter
- Magnetism in biology and medicine
- Magnetic non-destructive testing
Deadline for registration is MARCH 30, 2019.
Deadline for submission of ABSTRACTS IS APRIL 30, 2019.
The more detail information is in the attached file and at the Symposium
web site.
M.N. Miheev Institute of Metal Physics of Ural Branch of Russian Academy
of Sciences
18 S. Kovalevskaya Street, Ekaterinburg, 620108, Russian Federation
Phone: (343) 374-02-30
Fax: (343) 374-52-44