NanoMaterials for Energy and Environment

June 27 - 29, 2018 - Paris, France
Dear Colleague,

The 4th edition of Nanotech France, the largest event in the region focused on Nanotechnology and Nanoscience, will take place in Paris from June 27 to 29, 2018 – Paris France. Three International Conferences and one joint exhibition will be held under the same roof, in particular: NanoMatEn 2018 (NanoMaterials for Energy and Environment Conference and Exhibition).

NanMatEn 2108 aims are to cover the current state of the art and the opportunities of Nano-based materials and devices and its industrial challenges and opportunities for the energy and environment sectors.

For more details about the conference topics and keynote speakers,click here.

This year, together with the main conference sessions, highly ranked researchers are involved in the organization of the following focused sessions:
  • Focused session 1: Nano-generators and piezoelectronics (Chair: Prof. Keon Jae Lee, KAIST, Rep. of Korea)
  • Focused session 2: Nanomagnetism (Chairs: Dr. Claude Fermon, Iramis/ CEA, France and Dr. Vincent Cros, CNRS/Thales, France)
  • Focused session 3: Nanotechnology for water treatment (Chairs: Prof. Marco Stoller, Sapienza University, Italy and Prof. Joydeep Dutta, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden)
  • Focused session 4: Sustainable Nanotechnology for Agriculture, food, etc (Chair: Prof Bezbaruah, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, USA)
  • Focused session 5: Nanomaterials for Clean and Sustainable Technology (Chair: Dr. Michael Holzinger, CNRS - Grenoble Alpes University, France)
There are several ways of joining the conference:
  • Oral presentation or Poster: submit your abstract by April 27, 2018 and register by May 24, 2018.
  • Exhibition Booth: all the details about the exhibition and sponsorship options are available here.
  • Attendee only: Attendee (without presentation) and co-authors from academia and industry are welcome to register here to attend all the conferences sessions and the exhibition.
Do you have a friend or colleague that might be interested? Please forward him/ her this Email to keep him updated. If you received this email from a friend, please click here to subscribe to our newsletter.

Key dates
April 27, 2018: Abstracts Submission Deadline
May 24, 2018: Conference registration deadline
July 20, 2018: Conference proceeding and journal papers submission deadline

If you have any inquiry about the conferences and side events, please don’t hesitate to contact us.
Make sure you don’t miss the deadlines and plan your trip to Paris next June 2018.
