2 items matching your search terms.
Two salts and the salt cocrystal of ciprofloxacin with thiobarbituric and barbituric acids: The structure and properties
Golovnev, NN; Molokeev, MS; Lesnikov, MK; Atuchin, VV JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL ORGANIC CHEMISTRY, 31 (3):10.1002/poc.3773 MAR 2018
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Two salts and the salt cocrystal of ciprofloxacin with thiobarbituric and barbituric acids: The structure and properties
Golovnev, NN; Molokeev, MS; Lesnikov, MK; Atuchin, VV JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL ORGANIC CHEMISTRY, 31 (3):10.1002/poc.3773 MAR 2018
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