New Publications
Cationic Disorder in Co2AlBO5: Effects on Magnetic and Electrical Properties
Single crystals of Co2AlBO5 were synthesized using flux. The structural, magnetic, and electrical properties have been studied, with emphasis on cationic disorder effects. The Al3+ and Co2+ ions share four symmetry inequivalent sites. Large amplitudes of the displacement parameters for the M2 and M4 metal sites and the O4 oxygen site were found. The compound exhibits two magnetic transitions at T1 = 41 K and T2 = 20 K and shows a high crystallographic anisotropy. The random cationic distribution induces magnetic softness and an increase in electrical resistivity. The sources of the cationic disorder and the approach for controlling it are discussed.
Visualization of Brain Tumors with Infrared-Labeled Aptamers for Fluorescence-Guided Surgery
Gliomas remain challenging brain tumors to treat due to their infiltrative nature. Accurately identifying tumor boundaries during surgery is crucial for successful resection. This study introduces an innovative intraoperative visualization method utilizing surgical fluorescence microscopy to precisely locate tumor cell dissemination. Here, the focus is on the development of a novel contrasting agent (IR-Glint) for intraoperative visualization of human glial tumors comprising infrared-labeled Glint aptamers. The specificity of IR-Glint is assessed using flow cytometry and microscopy on primary cell cultures. In vivo effectiveness is studied on mouse and rabbit models, employing orthotopic xenotransplantation of human brain gliomas with various imaging techniques, including PET/CT, in vivo fluorescence visualization, confocal laser scanning, and surgical microscopy. The experiments validate the potential of IR-Glint for the intraoperative visualization of gliomas using infrared imaging. IR-Glint penetrates the blood–brain barrier and can be used for both intravenous and surface applications, allowing clear visualization of the tumor. The surface application directly to the brain reduces the dosage required and mitigates potential toxic effects on the patient. The research shows the potential of infrared dye-labeled aptamers for accurately visualizing glial tumors during brain surgery. This novel aptamer-assisted fluorescence-guided surgery (AptaFGS) may pave the way for future advancements in the field of neurosurgery.
Features of the Response of Majorana Quasiparticles in Superconducting Wires (Brief Review)
Interest in hybrid quasi-one-dimensional systems with an inner semiconducting part coated with a superconductor (the so-called core/shell structure) has been grown in the last decade. Materials with a strong spin‒orbit coupling and a large g-factor (InAs, InSb) are chosen as semiconductors. Due to the proximity effect, such objects can be considered as superconducting wires, where the existence of Majorana states has been predicted. This review briefly summarizes the current experimental studies aimed at the detection of Majorana quasiparticle excitations in superconducting wires. Furthermore, prospects of using the interference geometry of devices including such wires are discussed. In particular, the coherent transport in a spatially inhomogeneous one-dimensional normal metal/superconductor/normal metal system, where normal metal wires serve as arms of an interference device, which interact with a normal metal contact, has been analyzed theoretically. It has been found that responses of Majorana and Andreev low-energy excitations of the device can be distinguished.
Interrelation between Doping Dependencies of the Spin Susceptibility and Electronic Structure in Cuprates
We calculate electronic structure and spin susceptibility dependencies on doping within the framework of a cluster perturbation theory for strongly correlated electronic systems. The change in the susceptibility with increasing doping is qualitatively consistent with the experimental data on resonant inelastic X-ray scattering and inelastic neutron scattering, as well as with the results of the calculations within the quantum Monte Carlo method.
Electronic structure and theoretical exfoliation of non-van der Waals carbonates into low-dimensional materials: A case of Y2(CO3)3
The unique properties of two-dimensional (2D) materials make them highly versatile for a wide range of applications. Recently, low-dimensional structures obtained from bulk non-van der Waals materials have received particular interest. Yttrium carbonate is an example of such materials which hold the potential for creating 2D structures, however, its fundamental properties have been investigated only rarely. In this work, we demonstrate the possibility of obtaining 2D yttrium carbonate with the tengerite-(Y) structure. The electronic and optical properties of both bulk and two-dimensional Y2(CO3)3·2H2O are investigated using the PBE and HSE06 functionals. While the bulk material is predicted with a bandgap of 7.06 eV at the HSE06 level, the 2D Y2(CO3)3·2H2O material possesses a bandgap of, untypically, 0.4 eV narrower than the bulk material due to surface effects and different stoichiometry. The optical properties reveal that both the bulk and 2D forms are transparent in the visible and near-UV regions positioning them as promising candidates for various optical applications including doping-induced luminescent devices.
Sorting of extremely small nanoparticles by membranes supporting symmetry-protected bound states in the continuum
We consider double perforated slabs (membranes) that support a symmetry-protected bound state in the continuum (BIC). These slabs are immersed into a liquid at room temperature. Laser excitation of the BIC generates giant optical forces that strongly affect the Brownian motion of nanoparticles in a colloidal solution. By solving of the Fokker-Planck equation we show that a single membrane can localize only larger nanoparticles. However, system of two parallel membranes can trap extremely small nanometer-sized nanoparticles by a resonant excitation of quasi-BICs, with varying intensities in each membrane
Electronic transitions and vibrational properties of bulk and monolayer g-C3N4, and a g-C3N4/MoS2 heterostructure from a DFT study
DOI: 10.1039/d4cp02289k
Successful recognition of a dynamically stable carbonitride structure revealed that unlike other planar layered structures in the case of g-C3N4 the stable configurations are distorted [J. Wang et al., Chem. Mater., 2017, 29(7), 2694-2707, DOI:]. This generates interest in a detailed study of the possibilities of controlling the structure and its properties both in its pristine and heterostructure forms. Here, we present the results of the investigation of dynamically stable bulk and monolayer g-C3N4, and a g-C3N4/MoS2 heterostructure. The bulk g-C3N4 was found to be an indirect band gap semiconductor exhibiting an indirect-to-direct band gap transition upon dimensionality reduction. In the case of the heterostructure, the analysis of partial density of states shows a charge transfer from nitrogen ions in g-C3N4 to the MoS2 layer. The Raman spectra of bulk g-C3N4 are discussed in detail, and the changes occurring in the spectra upon the transition to the monolayer form and in the g-C3N4/MoS2 heterostructure are demonstrated. It was found that the characteristic features of such an atomic transition can be seen in the region below 300 cm-1 and between 700 and 800 cm-1.
Synthesis and Magnetic Properties of Fe1.1Ga0.9O3, Measured According to Electron Spin Resonance
The authors study the formation of crystals of Fe-Ga oxides and Fe–Ga–Cu borates in a multicomponent flux system based on Bi2Mo3O12–Na2B4O7. The Curie–Weiss temperature (θCW = 289 K) and the temperature of the ferrimagnet–paramagnet phase transition (TC = 288 K) are determined from the electron spin resonance (ESR) spectrum and the magnetization of an Fe1.1Ga0.9O3 single crystal, depending on temperature. Lines of spin-wave resonance are observed in the spectrum of magnetic resonance in the ordered phase.
Thermal Stability of (Mg/NbOx)82 Multilayer Nanostructure
Thermal stability of the multilayer (Mg/NbOx)82 nanostructure and the effect of heat treatment on its electrical properties and phase composition depending on the bilayer thickness are studied. The studied (Mg/NbOx)82 samples contain 82 bilayers whose thickness varies in the range from 2.2 to 6.2 nm. The NbOx layer thickness in the multilayers is the same (0.96 nm) in all samples, while the magnesium layers thickness is varied. It is established that the magnesium layers are either discrete (a set of nanosized particles) or continuous depending on their thickness. A metallothermic reaction occurs in (Mg/NbOx)82 multilayer nanostructures at a temperature of 430 °C: niobium oxide decomposes and the released oxygen partly oxidizes the magnesium layers. That leads to the conductive magnesium metal layers breaking and to the sharp increase of the nanostructures’ resistance by more than two orders. Despite the metallothermic reaction, the layering of the (Mg/NbOx)82 nanostructures as a whole and the presence of unoxidized magnesium inclusions remain even after heating up to 450 °C.
Thermochemistry of Solid-State Formation, Structure, Optical, and Luminescent Properties of Complex Oxides Eu2MeO6 (Me–Mo, W), Eu2W2O9: A Combined Experimental and DFT Study
Complex oxides Eu2MeO6 (Me–Mo, W), Eu2W2O9 were obtained by a solid-phase reaction between binary oxides. The thermodynamic and kinetic mechanisms of the reaction processes were established using a variety of physical-chemical methods. All compounds obtained in this work crystallize in the low-symmetry monoclinic system, forming complex framework structures, which determine a set of very valuable physical-chemical properties. Comparison of experimental Kubelka-Munk functions and DFT- calculated absorption spectra shows adequate agreement and reveals the origin of the fundamental absorption. In addition, the deficiency in DFT calculations in the part of mutual contribution of CTBs of Mo−O and W−O, from one side, and Eu−O contributions, from the other side, is reported. Calculations of absorption spectra are shown to be superior to band structure analysis in the determination of optical band gaps. Additionally, luminescent properties of Eu2MeO6 and Eu2W2O9 compounds were investigated. These studies provide a better understanding of the electronic and optical properties of the compounds Eu2MeO6 and Eu2W2O9, along with their potential applications in various areas.
Relationship between the Composition and Structural Characteristics of Catalysts Based on Calcium Ferrites and Their Activity with Respect to Hydrogen
Using the methods of X-ray diffraction, Mössbauer spectroscopy, and temperature-programmed reduction with hydrogen, the relationship between the phase composition, structural characteristics of the phases, and the reactivity with respect to hydrogen was investigated for calcium ferrites-based catalysts. The catalyst samples were prepared via solid-state synthesis from CaO and Fe2O3 at 900 and 1000°C by varying the Fe2O3 content in the CaO–Fe2O3 system. The phase composition of the resultant samples corresponds to the CaO‒Ca2Fe2O5, Ca2Fe2O5‒CaFe2O4, and CaFe2O4‒α-Fe2O3 regions. In the CaO–Ca2Fe2O5 samples the lattice parameters of Ca2Fe2O5 and its activity with respect to hydrogen depend on the phase ratio. The activity of CaFe2O4 is higher in Ca2Fe2O5‒CaFe2O4 compared to CaFe2O4‒α-Fe2O3 catalysts.
Crystal Structure and EPR Spectra of Mn2.25Co0.75BO5
Results are presented from investigating the structure of Mn2.25Co0.75BO5 via powder neutron diffraction. Crystals of ludwigite Mn2.25Co0.75BO5 are grown by flux method using a Bi2Mo3O12-based solvent diluted with Na2CO3 carbonate. Boric acid H311BO3 is used as the boron-containing reagent. Powder neutron diffraction measurements are made at a temperature of 100 K on powder prepared by grinding grown single crystals. Rietveld studies show that the grown Mn2.25Co0.75BO5 crystals belong to Pbam space group. Crystallographic sites occupied by cobalt and manganese ions are identified by analyzing powder neutron diffractograms. A bottleneck regime is observed in the temperature dependence of the EPR spectra.
Phonon softening and atomic modulations in EuAl4
EuAl4 is a rare-earth intermetallic in which competing itinerant and/or indirect exchange mechanisms give rise to a complex magnetic phase diagram, including a centrosymmetric skyrmion lattice. These phenomena arise not in the tetragonal parent structure but in the presence of a charge-density wave (CDW), which lowers the crystal symmetry and renormalizes the electronic structure. Microscopic knowledge of the corresponding atomic modulations and their driving mechanism is a prerequisite for a deeper understanding of the resulting equilibrium of electronic correlations and how it might be manipulated. Here, we use synchrotron single-crystal x-ray diffraction, inelastic x-ray scattering, and lattice-dynamics calculations to clarify the origin of the CDW in EuAl4. We observe a broad softening of a transverse acoustic phonon mode that sets in well above room temperature and, at 𝑇CDW=142 K, freezes out in an atomic displacement mode described by the superspace group 𝐼𝑚𝑚𝑚(00𝛾)𝑠00. In the context of previous work, our observation is a clear confirmation that the CDW in EuAl4 is driven by electron-phonon coupling. This result is relevant for a wider family of BaAl4 and ThCr2Si2-type rare-earth intermetallics known to combine CDW instabilities and complex magnetism.
Deriving Landauer's formula by using the master equation approach
We revisit the problem of two-terminal transport of non-interacting Fermi particles in a mesoscopic device. First, we generalize the transport problem by taking into consideration relaxation processes in contacts (which are characterized by the contact self-thermalization rate γ) and then solve it by using the master equation approach. In the limit �→0 the obtained results are shown to reproduce those of the Landauer theory. Thus, the presented analysis proves correspondence between the Landauer and master equation approaches to quantum transport —a problem which has been waiting for a solution for decades.
Photophysical Properties of Luminophores Based on 3-(1,3-Benzothiazol-2-yl)-4-hydroxybenzenesulfonic Acid
Water-soluble organic luminophores based on 3-(1,3-benzothiazol-2-yl)-4-hydroxybenzenesulfonic acid were studied both experimentally and by density functional theory for the first time. Because of peculiarities in chemical structure, one of them has a large Stokes shift, which results from excited state intramolecular proton transfer.
Superparamagnetic Relaxation in Ensembles of Ultrasmall Ferrihydrite Nanoparticles
The paper examines the impact of interparticle interactions on the superparamagnetic relaxation of ultrasmall nanoparticle ensembles, using Fe2O3∙nH2O iron oxyhydroxide (ferrihydrite) nanoparticles as an example. Two samples were analyzed: ferrihydrite of biogenic origin (with an average particle size of ⟨�⟩ ≈ 2.7 nm) with a natural organic shell, and a sample (with ⟨�⟩ ≈ 3.5 nm) that underwent low-temperature annealing, during which the organic shell was partially removed. The DC and AC magnetic susceptibilities (χ′(T), χ′′(T)) in a small magnetic field in the superparamagnetic (SPM) blocking region of the nanoparticles were measured. The results show that an increase in interparticle interactions leads to an increase in the SPM blocking temperature from 28 to 52 K according to DC magnetization data. It is shown that below the SPM blocking temperature, magnetic interactions of nanoparticles lead to the formation of a collective state similar to spin glass in bulk materials. The scaling approach reveals that the dynamics of correlated magnetic moments on the particle surface slow down with increasing interparticle interactions. Simulation of χ′′(T) dependence has shown that the dissipation of magnetic energy occurs in two stages. The first stage is directly related to the blocking of the magnetic moment of nanoparticles, while the second stage reflects the spin-glass behavior of surface spins and strongly depends on the strength of interparticle interactions.
Nanostructured Coatings of 3d-Metals Produced by Green Chemistry Methods: Analysis of Inhomogeneities by Static and Dynamic Magnetic Methods
The study investigates carbon-containing coatings of 3d-metals (Ni, Co, Fe) produced by chemical deposition method using arabinogalactan. The coatings were analyzed using X-ray diffraction, FMR, and M(H) magnetometry. Measurement of M(H) in plane and perpendicular to the plane of the magnetic coatings allowed determining the distribution of demagnetizing factor in the studied coatings. The obtained distributions of the demagnetizing factor were used to analyze the angular dependences of the ferromagnetic resonance field. The values of magnetization and perpendicular anisotropy field were estimated. The paper illustrates the effect of texture on the magnetic parameters.
Variable Spatial Dynamics of Optical Vortices Produced by a Double Fork-Shaped Grating
Light diffraction is studied numerically and experimentally on a double fork-shaped grating representing a periodic grating containing two spaced dislocations. The spatial dynamics of the phase singularities (optical vortices) has been investigated as a function of dislocation parameters. Produced optical vortices affect each other while propagating in a free space. For dislocations of the same topological charge, the propagation trajectories and their transverse displacement coordinates depend on the dislocation spacing, and the larger the dislocation spacing, the smaller the relative displacement of the optical vortices and the smaller their trajectory curvatures. For oppositely charged dislocations, three types of spatial behavior of optical vortices are found. The numerical results agree well with the experimental data.
Synthesis of anhydrous lanthanum acetate. Analysis of it's structural, thermal and electronic properties
Acetate complexes of rare earth elements are extensively studied compounds known for their diverse properties and potential applications and lanthanum acetate hydrate is commercially available. In this work, a powdered anhydrous lanthanum acetate (La(CH3COO)3) sample was prepared by dissolving lanthanum oxide (La2O3) in an excess of acetic acid (CH3COOH) and distilled water (H2O), followed by direct evaporation at 150 °C. The decomposition of La(CH3COO)3 was studied, showing initiation around 300 °C and conclusion at ≥700 °C, with four distinct thermal events (I–IV) of mass loss. Gas phase identification revealed acetone and carbon dioxide as decomposition products, indicating pyrolytic decarboxylation. The final thermal effect (IV) is linked to the decomposition of La2O2CO3 to La2O3. The DFT refinement of atomic coordinates of hydrogen atoms, which were unavailable from experiment, was successfully performed. Obtained structural data was checked using vibrational spectroscopy method. The calculated electronic band structure of La(CH3COO)3 indicates it as an indirect wide band gap material with values of direct transition close to indirect. The optical bandgap is found to be 5.49 eV, suggesting that the charge transfer in La(CH3COO)3 can be optically activated with wavelengths shorter than 226 nm, which falls within the deep UV (DUV) region.
Microwave Heating of Oxidized Iron Powders in Ferromagnetic Resonance Mode
By the example of α-Fe2O3 hematite, 5Fe2O3⋅9H2O ferrihydrite, and γ-Fe2O3 maghemite powders, a microwave-radiation-induced powder system temperature growth ΔTmax of several degrees has been measured in the ferromagnetic resonance mode at a frequency of 8.9 GHz. The powders heat up the most in the external field H coinciding with the ferromagnetic resonance field. The value of the ΔTmax effect depends on the magnetization of a powder material. The results obtained allow us to propose a new magnetic hyperthermia method for biomedical applications.
Effect of the Core–Shell Exchange Coupling on the Approach to Magnetic Saturation in a Ferrimagnetic Nanoparticle
The generally accepted model of the magnetic structure of an iron oxide core–shell nanoparticle includes a single-domain magnetically ordered core surrounded by a layer with a frozen spin disorder. Due to the exchange coupling between the shell and core, the spin disorder should lead to nonuniform magnetization in the core. Suppression of this inhomogeneity by an external magnetic field causes the nonlinear behavior of the magnetization as a function of the field in the region of the approach to magnetic saturation. The equation proposed to describe this effect is tested using a micromagnetic simulation. Analysis of the approach to magnetic saturation of iron oxide nanoparticles at different temperatures using this equation can be used to estimate the temperature evolution of the core–shell coupling energy and the size of the uniformly magnetized nanoparticle core and the temperature behavior of this size.
Uniaxial Negative Thermal Expansion in γ-LiBO2 with a Closed-Framework Diamond-Like Structure
Negative-thermal-expansion (NTE) materials violate the common knowledge of “thermal expansion and cold contraction” in solids and embrace various physical mechanisms. In most phonon-driven NTE materials, an open-framework structure is necessary to accommodate the spatially anisotropic phonon excitations of the bridged atoms, but such a structural feature may result in structural instability at a high temperature. Herein, we focus on γ-LiBO2 with a closed-framework diamond-like structure and identify its uniaxial NTE behavior over the largest temperature range (100−850 K) among this structural family. As the temperature increases, the synergetic structural modification of the constituent structural groups, i.e., the stretching and bending of the Li−O bonds in floppy [LiO4] and the tension or rotation in the [BO4] group, accounts for NTE along the c-axis. Our study unveils that, apart from the anisotropic phonon excitations of individual atoms, the preferred phonon excitations of structural groups are also able to generate NTE, which would update the understanding of the NTE mechanism and guide the further exploration of phonon-driven NTE materials.
Charge transfer plasmons in nanoparticle arrays on graphene: Theoretical development
The properties of charge transfer plasmons (CTPs) in periodic metallic nanoparticle arrays (PMNPAs) on the single-layer graphene surface are studied within a computationally efficient original hybrid quantum-classical model. The model is based on the proven assumption that the carrier charge density in doped graphene remains unchanged under plasmon oscillations. Calculated CTP frequencies for two PMNPA geometries are shown to lie within the THz range and to be factorized, i.e., presented as a product of two independent factors determined by the graphene charge density and the PMNPA geometry. Equations are derived for describing the CTP frequencies and eigenvectors, i.e., oscillating nanoparticle charge values. It is shown that the CTP plasmons having a band structure containing a wave vector and a band number, like to phonons in periodic media, can be divided into an acoustic mode and optical CTP modes. For the acoustic modes, the CTP group velocity tends to zero at �→0, but reaches a value of ∼�Fermi in graphene inside the Brillouin zone, while for the optical modes, the group velocity dispersion is extremely weak, although their energy is higher than the acoustic plasmon energies. It is shown that the calculated dependence of CTP frequencies on the carrier concentration in graphene is in good agreement with experimental data. We believe that the proposed model can help in designing various graphene-based terahertz nanoplasmonic devices of complex geometry due to very high computational efficiency.
Thermal expansion, T−x phase diagram and polarization of (1-x)Na1/2Bi1/2TiO3-xBaTiO3 solid solutions
The paper presents the results of detailed studies of thermal expansion of solid solutions (1-x)Na1/2Bi1/2TiO3-xBaTiO3 with x=0.04-0.97 in the temperature range from 100 to 900 K. A change in chemical pressure associated with the complex cationic substitution, (Na1/2Bi1/2)2+→ Ba2+, result in a very rapid decrease in the temperatures of the transformation �4��→�2��→�3� below 100 K which are characteristic of BaTiO3. Significant features in the behavior of thermal expansion were observed near two triple points in the �−� phase diagram where the phases ��3̄�, �4��, �4�� (x≈0.15-0.20) and �4��, �4��, �3� (x≈0,06) coexist, allow the studied solid solutions to be divided into three groups. The relationship between the effects of internal chemical pressure and external hydrostatic one is discussed. By analyzing the thermodynamic potential, the root-mean-square polarization �� is determined, which increases by about 16% with a decrease in the BT content from 0.97 to 0.4.
Raman study of decomposition of Na-bearing carbonates in water fluid at high P–T parameters
The study of Na-carbonates stability and their transformations in aqueous carbonate fluid under high P–T conditions is relevant from the point of view of the understanding geochemical processes of the Na-assisted carbon circulation in the Earth’s crust and subduction zones. In situ Raman study of Na-bearing carbonate-water-Fe-metal system in diamond anvil cell (DAC) at high P–T conditions revealed that carbonates decompose with abiogenic formation of formates and other organic compounds that differs from behavior of carbonates in dry system. XRD and FTIR methods have been used additionally to determine the phase composition. Na-bearing carbonates (nahcolite NaHCO3, shortite Na2Ca2(CO3)3 and cancrinite Na7Ca[(CO3)1.5Al6Si6O24]⋅2H2O) in aqueous fluid decompose to form simple carbonates and formates (as dominant organic molecules) at moderate P–T parameters (above ∼0.2 GPa, 200 °C). Our experimental results directly confirm the hypothesis of Horita and Berndt (Science, 1999) about possible yield of organic formates in the carbonate-water-metal system.
Nahcolite NaHCO3 in aqueous fluid in the presence of Fe metal decomposes into anhydrous phases: natrite �-Na2CO3, siderite, magnetite (due to dissolution of Fe steel gasket), Na-formate and likely organic molecular crystalline solvate of Na-formate and methyl formate. Shortite decays into anhydrous phases: aragonite CaCO3, Na-Ca-formates and an amorphous phase. Cancrinite decomposes to unidentified carbonate-alumonosilicate phases, Na-Ca-formates and unknown organic molecular crystal. Magnetite is also formed in this system due to dissolution of Fe steel gasket used in DAC. The present study provides a new insight in processes of abiogenic formation of organic matter from carbonates in the crust and upper mantle.
Achieving Ultra-Broadband Sunlight-Like Emission in Single-Phase Phosphors: The Interplay of Structure and Luminescence
The quest for artificial light sources mimicking sunlight has been a long-standing endeavor, particularly for applications in anticounterfeiting, agriculture, and color hue detection. Conventional sunlight simulators are often cost-prohibitive and bulky. Therefore, the development of a series of single-phase phosphors Ca9LiMg1-xAl2x/3(PO4)7:0.1Eu2+ (x = 0-0.75) with sunlight-like emission represents a welcome step towards compact and economical light source alternatives. The phosphors are obtained by an original heterovalent substitution method and emit a broad spectrum spanning from violet to deep red. Notably, the phosphor with x = 0.5 exhibits an impressive full width at half-maximum of 330 nm. A synergistic interplay of experimental investigations and theory unveils the mechanism behind sunlight-like emission due to the local structural perturbations introduced by the heterovalent substitution of Al3+ for Mg2+, leading to a varied distribution of Eu2+ within the lattice. Subsequent characterization of a series of organic dyes combining absorption spectroscopy with convolutional neural network analysis convincingly demonstrates the potential of this phosphor in portable photodetection devices. Broad-spectrum light source testing empowers the model to precisely differentiate dye patterns. This points to the phosphor being ideal for mimicking sunlight. Beyond this demonstrated application, the phosphor's utility is envisioned in other relevant domains, including visible light communication and smart agriculture.
Small Magnetic Hysteresis in Bi2223 Polycrystalline High-Temperature Superconductor
Bi‒Sr‒Ca‒Cu‒O polycrystalline high-temperature superconductors with the 2–2-2–3 structure have been comprehensively studied, their properties have been described, and features of the small magnetic hysteresis in the investigated materials have been established. The small magnetic hysteresis is shown to be caused by the penetration of a magnetic flux into a superconductor and its capture in the region of boundaries between HTS crystallites and by Meissner currents flowing through these boundaries. It has been found that, at a certain magnetic prehistory, the small hysteresis collapses, i.e. its footprints disappear. This has been attributed to the interaction between two superconducting subsystems in the investigated polycrystalline HTS, specifically, the effect of the magnetic moments of HTS crystallites on the effective field in the regions of intercrystalline boundaries. The shape of the small magnetic hysteresis loop has been described within the critical state model.
Anisotropic Exchange Interactions in a Ferromagnet PbMnBO4
The field dependence of the magnetization along the hard axes in a four-sublattice ferromagnet PbMnBO4 is calculated by the numerical minimization of the ground state energy in the approximation of classical magnetic moments. The parameters of anisotropic interactions—the second-order single-ion anisotropy constants, the magnitude and direction of the antisymmetric exchange vector, and the symmetric anisotropic exchange tensor—are obtained by a comparison with experimental magnetization curves. The direction of the Dzyaloshinskii–Moriya interaction vector is close to the orthorhombic c axis. The symmetric exchange tensor has an almost uniaxial form with the easy axis perpendicular to the antisymmetric exchange vector. Changes in the energy of each anisotropic interaction during magnetization reorientation are calculated.
Synergetic manipulation of components and multiple activator sites towards full-spectrum lighting in Eu2+-doped whitlockite phosphors for high color-rendering WLED
Tuning the components and multiple activator sites possesses profound significances on the regulation for corresponding luminescent properties of target phosphors. However, it is still challenging to realize full-visible emission via single activator in a single phase owing to the matrix diversity and uncertainty for multi-site occupation. Herein, we developed a family of whitlockite-type solid-solution phosphors Ca8MgGa1-yLay(PO4)7: Eu2+(y = 0–1) via inducing the La3+ ions into Ca8MgGa(PO4)7:Eu2+. The local environments of Eu2+ ions and corresponding tunable photoluminescent properties, decay times and thermal stability are revealed systematically in detail. Specially, the excitation and emission spectra of Ca8MgGa1-yLay(PO4)7: Eu2+ are broadened gradually, finally towards a full-visible emission with 152 nm bandwidth spectrum for the phosphor Ca8MgLa(PO4)7: Eu2+. WLED with a high color rendering index (CRI = 95) and low color temperature (CCT = 3764 K) was fabricated based on the full-visible emission Ca8MgGa0.2La0.8(PO4)7: 0.08Eu2+ phosphors under a 365 nm chip, indicating the prominent potentials for high-color-rendering WLEDs. These results in current work provide new ideas for synergetic manipulation of components and multiple activator sites towards a full-visible emission in single-phase applied for white lighting.
Phonon softening and atomic modulations in EuAl4
EuAl4 is a rare-earth intermetallic in which competing itinerant and/or indirect exchange mechanisms give rise to a complex magnetic phase diagram, including a centrosymmetric skyrmion lattice. These phenomena arise not in the tetragonal parent structure but in the presence of a charge-density wave (CDW), which lowers the crystal symmetry and renormalizes the electronic structure. Microscopic knowledge of the corresponding atomic modulations and their driving mechanism is a prerequisite for a deeper understanding of the resulting equilibrium of electronic correlations and how it might be manipulated. Here, we use synchrotron single-crystal x-ray diffraction, inelastic x-ray scattering, and lattice-dynamics calculations to clarify the origin of the CDW in EuAl4. We observe a broad softening of a transverse acoustic phonon mode that sets in well above room temperature and, at 𝑇CDW=142 K, freezes out in an atomic displacement mode described by the superspace group 𝐼𝑚𝑚𝑚(00𝛾)𝑠00. In the context of previous work, our observation is a clear confirmation that the CDW in EuAl4 is driven by electron-phonon coupling. This result is relevant for a wider family of BaAl4 and ThCr2Si2-type rare-earth intermetallics known to combine CDW instabilities and complex magnetism.
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