Determination of the Pore Direction in a Crystalline Metal-Organic Framework by Raman Spectroscopy and Periodic Calculations Based on the Electron Density Functional Theory

Slyusarenko, N.V., Yushina, I.D., Slyusareva, E.A., (...), Vtyurin, A.N., Krylov, A.S.// Optoelectronics, Instrumentation and Data Processing//

A method for the determination of pore orientation in metal-organic framework structures by polarized Raman spectra is proposed. The method involves sensitivity of the line intensity of Raman scattering to the geometry of propagation in a crystal. The operability of the method is shown by DUT-8 (Ni, Co) crystals. The obtained results are interpreted based on analysis of symmetry and direction of vibrations within periodic calculations of the electron density functional theory. The simultaneous approach allowed us to describe the vibrations and to find the principal crystal orientation collinear to the pore direction. The information on the pore orientation is necessary for problems of adsorption and design of complex multicomponent materials based on metal-organic framework.
