The Effect of Clay Content on the Spectra of Permetivity of Mineral Soils at Positive Temperatures

Karavayskiy, A.Y., Lukin, Y.I.// Conference Proceedings - 2023 Radiation and Scattering of Electromagnetic Waves//

DOI: 10.1109/RSEMW58451.2023.10201998

In this research, it was studied the crossover frequencies of the spectra of the real part of the permittivity of moist mineral soils with different clay content from 10 to 64% in the frequency range from 15 MHz to 15 GHz and in the temperature range from 25 to 0 °C. Based on the experimental dependences obtained, empirical models were proposed for the average crossover frequency of the soil of the real part of the permittivity spectra in the range of changes of these frequencies values with temperature changes, as well as for the half-widths of the ranges of changes.
