Influence of Induced Electrical Polarization on the Magnetoresistance and Magnetoimpedance in the Spin-Disordered TmxMn1-xS Solid Solution

Sergey S. Aplesnin, Maksim N. Sitnikov, Anton M. Kharkov, Albert N. Masyugin,Vasiliy V. Kretinin, Olga B. Fisenko, and Mikhail V. Gorev. PHYSICA Phys. Status Solidi B2019, 256, 1900043, 10.1002/pssb.201900043

The transport properties of the TmxMn1–xS(x0.15) solid solutions in thetemperature range of 200–600 K have been investigated. The temperatures oflattice polaron pinning accompanied by the lattice strain, condensation of theinfrared modes, and thermionic emission have been determined. The changeof the carrier sign with temperature has been found from the Hall coefficientdata and dragging of electrons by phonons, from the thermopower data. Thedependence of the magnetoresistance on the concentration, current, andvoltage has been established from theI–Vcharacteristics measured withoutfield and in an applied magnetic field ofH¼8 kOe in the temperature rangeof 300–500 K. The functional temperature dependence of the carrier relaxationtime has been determined using the impedance data. The concentrationregion with the magnetoimpedance sign varying with frequency and tempera-ture has been found. The increase in the relaxation time of the inducedelectric polarization with increasing concentration of thulium ions has beenobserved. The experimental data have been interpreted in the framework ofthe Debye and Maxwell–Wagner models, as well as the theoretical model forthe Rashba spin–orbit interaction.
