Magnetic Resonance in [(CoP)(soft)/NiP/(CoP)(hard)/NiP] (n) Multilayer Magnetic Springs
Patrin, G. S.; Shiyan, Ya. G.; Patrin, K. G.; Furdyk, V. P. Source: JETP LETTERS, 107 (9):544-548; 10.1134/S0021364018090096 MAY 2018
The magnetic resonance properties of [(CoP)soft/NiP/(CoP)hard/NiP]n multilayer films with the properties of magnetic springs have been experimentally studied. It has been found that the deposition of a NiP nonmagnetic amorphous layer on a (CoP)soft magnetic layer induces the appearance of perpendicular interface anisotropy. The increase in the number of blocks n in the multilayer structure leads to the appearance of the third absorption peak, which is explained by the formation of a noncollinear three-sublattice magnetic structure.