Magnetic field-driven lateral photovoltaic effect in the Fe/SiO2/p-Si hybrid structure with the Schottky barrier

Volkov, NV; Rautskii, MV; Tarasov, AS; Yakovlev, IA; Bondarev, IA; Lukyanenko, AV; Varnakov, SN; Ovchinnikov, SG PHYSICA E-LOW-DIMENSIONAL SYSTEMS & NANOSTRUCTURES, 101 201-207; 10.1016/j.physe.2018.03.027 JUL 2018

We demonstrate that the lateral photovoltaic effect in the Fe/SiO2/p-Si structure not only strongly depends on the optical radiation wavelength and temperature, but is also sensitive to external magnetic fields. The magnetic field lowers the absolute value of photovoltage regardless of the wavelength and temperature; however, the relative photovoltage variation significantly depends on these parameters. The lateral photovoltage is observed both on the Fe film and Si substrate sides and results from separation of photoinduced electrons and holes in a built-in electric field of the Schottky barrier with their subsequent diffusion to the structure in the lateral direction from the illuminated area. The observed features in the behavior of the lateral photovoltaic effect originate from the variation in the light absorption coefficient of the semiconductor and the related quantum efficiency upon light wavelength variation. In addition, an important role is played by the change in the characteristics of the Schottky barrier at the redistribution of optically generated carriers and temperature variation. The effect of the magnetic field is attributed to the Lorentz force, which bends trajectories of carriers drifting under the action of the Schottky barrier field and, consequently, suppresses the lateral photovoltaic effect.
